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The Holy Fool

written and Performed by by D.D. Delaney
directed by Christa Jones


"A man's recognition of the absurd, a maniac's triumph, a philosopher's cosmic delight."

—M.D. Ridge
Flash Magazine
June 1997


Photo by Ethan Marten Photo by Ethan MartenPhoto by Ethan Marten
Photo by Ethan Marten Photo by Ethan Marten Photo by Ethan Marten Photo by Ethan Marten


"D. D. Delaney continues to star in The Holy Fool, an examination of spiritual, economic and intellectual reckoning from the 1960s to the present. His earnestness and eagerness to find himself is compelling to watch. Amateur psychiatrists are invited to contribute their analysis!"

-Mal Vincent
The Virginian-Pilot
Best Bets
August 23, 1997



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