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Character Breakdowns, Descriptions & Downloadable Sides

The Reel Life

Stasia Fairview Spelling Goldstein: 30-ish. Nathan's ex, daughter of legendary Hollywood auteur Dunston Fairview.
Stasia is a performance artist (with an E at the end), into New Age, tarot, colonics, tantric sex and any fad that
comes along to pique her interest. Kind of a latter day Stevie Nicks.
She is the one person guaranteed to drive her ex up, over, and through the wall.

Shirley Goldstein: A youthful late 60s-early 70s. The Goldstein Bros.' mother, a Minnie Marx-type in who lives for
and adores her sons (although she sees their foibles as well as their…finer…points). She is the ultimate of Jewish mothers
with a huge heart and a wicked sense of humor. She is also the icon of perfect womanhood to her sons who named
their company after her and her late — may he rest in peace — husband, Bert

Susie Howard: 20-30s. Shirbert Films' cute acerbic secretary/receptionist and all-around girl Friday, is truly a NY girl. Always ready with a smart remark or quick retort, nothing much fazes her. She is smart, sharp and has a sharp eye for men.

Dunston Fairview: 60s – 70. Dunston is a cultural icon, a living legend in the mode of Orson Welles.
Actor, director, writer, producer, there is nothing (and we mean nothing) he hasn’t seen or done, either in or out
of the entertainment industry. With an ego fully capable of keeping up with his accomplishments, Dunston has been
married five times, won three Academy Award-winner and is a sought after commercial spokesman.
When Dunston speaks, people listen. And because of his commercial work, everyone recognizes his deep and resonant voice.

Clifton Sommersby: mid 40s-60s. Renowned film critic and lecturer.
He is also arrogant, pretentious and something of a horn-dog.

Randy Franklin: late 20s – early 30s. Randy is Shirbert Films’ Marketing Director and a complete suck-up.
He's smart, but not smart enough to be able to use the Goldsteins as opposed to being used by them.
His ego-driven blind ambition is what keeps getting in his way. His major claim to fame was as a child actor
on a mediocre sitcom a la the Brady Bunch, where he played the precocious kid everyone wants to beat up.

Tommy/Auditionees: 20-30s. A young writer who keeps showing up in different guises, attempting to interest
the Goldstein's in his film script (this actor also plays several different auditionees — very comedic role).

For actors and actresses wishing to participate in this reading, please submit headshots and resumes to:

ART Casting
PO Box 108
Jersey City, NJ 07303

Or email pix and resume to:
Or call 917-463-1097 for audition time.


To Download Sides, Please Click the Sides You Desire

Dunston / Sommersby Sides

Randy / Stasia / Susie Sides

Shirley Sides

Stasia Sides

Stasia Monologue

Susie / Dunston Sides

Tommy / Auditioning Actors Sides















































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